Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Reflection Report of Dissertation on mpact of information system on student learning experience

Abstract This essay reflects the lessons and obstacles that I faced during the course of writing my dissertation. Utilizing the Gibbs Reflective Cycle in order to illustrate the process, this essay reflects upon different stages of the dissertation process and thus serves to assist me in developing a further understanding of the opportunities for carrying out better research in the future. 1 Introduction The process of writing my dissertation began with the drive to expand my current capabilities and broaden my educational experience. Throughout this reflective essay I have use the Gibbs Reflective Cycle, which includes elements such as a basic description, my reactions, an evaluation of the experience, analysis, specific and general conclusions and my personal plan for action (Timmons et al, 2013). 2 Gibbs Reflective Cycle2.1 DescriptionIn order to accurately illustrate the scenario, a basic description enables me to envision the entire process dispassionately (Hegarty, 2011). My starting point for the research was the idea that increased technology has an impact on the learning process. This area presented a well-researched topic in the private sector, yet, I felt there was little material available on this subject, upon which to base quality evaluation for public facilities such as schools. In the beginning there was considerable stress before there was a single word written. As the study began to form, I began to feel more at ease with the needs of the project. Yet, many times there was the perception of very hard to find literature and material for me that made this research difficult from the outset. Taken together with my father’s ill health, I had considerably mixed feelings as to my ability to take this on.2.2 FeelingsMy emotional approach to this project was ver y striking and seemed to influence the results I obtained (Jasper, 2006). The very beginning of this project found me apprehensive and concerned that my skills were not sufficient for the task. Further, my father was sick during this period adding to my perception of the need to do function under pressure. There was significant stress at the outset that I felt diminished as I grew more familiar with the project. . I found the scope of this entire process was a little daunting. Perhaps my most unique feelings during this study came as I evaluated the students; I found a need to connect with the interviewees causing me considerable worry and the question of if I was approaching them in the best manner possible. Sometimes I had to set aside personal bias in order to accurately reflect the results (Pearson, 2013). As the project began to come to a close, I found considerable pride in the fact that I learned a great deal about process and method.2.3 EvaluationIt is important to assess th e positive and negative aspects of the project (Oelofsen, 2012). Most positive was my expectation I could achieve the goals of this work. Leading the negative aspects was my lack of confidence in my skill. A negative that turned into a positive was the manner that I interacted with the students and lecturers, initially I felt I was weak at this, but as I learned I became better. Overall, this was a good experience that I definitely learned from.2.4 AnalysisThere is a need to take stock of the situation in order to evaluate the experience (Pearson, 2013). My overall goal was to make sense of the impact of technology on the students. Through the research process, I feel I have expanded my own research abilities through trial and error, and am now more equipped to carry out research in the future. I have found others have had similar research experiences which has made me feel that I am part of a community and can gain from other’s knowledge. This appreciation of experience is a key factor that will enhance each following research project.2.5 ConclusionThe conclusions from this reflection lend depth to my learning experience (Park et al, 2011). Overall I felt that I learned that the research problem often carries more than the one possible outcome, which in turn means that I must be willing to accommodate unexpected elements. Specifically, I learned that I should be more assertive during the interview process, yet open to each person’s interpretations of the questions. I also gained the ability to research and write at a higher level, thereby aiding my future efforts. 2.6 Personal Action Plan Each of these considerations has provided me with lessons for future research (Forrest, 2008). Next project, I will not be hesitant to engage with the material. I will remain confident in my research strategy and take steps to not second guess my approach in order to strengthen my research and stay on track. Most importantly, I will have the experience to begin and accomplish any research project. 3 References Forrest, M. (2008). On becoming a critically reflective practitioner. Health Information & Libraries Journal, 25(3), pp.229–232. Jasper, M. (2006). Professional development, reflection and decision-making. 1st ed. Oxford: Blackwell. Hegarty, B. (2011). Is reflective writing an enigmaCan preparing evidence for an electronic portfolio develop skills for reflective practice?. 2011(1), pp.580–593. Oelofsen, N. (2012). Developing reflective practice. 1st ed. Banbury: Lantern. Park, J. and Son, J. (2011). Expression and connection: the integration of the reflective learning process and the writing process into social network sites. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 7(1), pp.170–178. Pearson, J. (2012). HCAs: developing skills in reflective writing. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 6(3), p.140. Timmins, F., Murphy, M., Howe, R. and Dennehy, C. (2013). â€Å"I Hate Gibb’s Reflective Cycle 1998†(Facebookcopyright 2009): Registered Nurses’ Experiences of Supporting Nursing Students’ Reflective Practice in the Context of Student’s Public Commentary. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 93, pp.1371–1375.

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